'Success? Only mine': THESE signs are jealous of everyone

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Have you ever met a person who can never be happy for the achievements of others? Yes, they cannot even feign joy at the news of friends, which points to a certain envy. For astrology, the signs greatly influence this type of behavior. Come and find out who suffer from “elbow pain” to avoid them.

Signs that feel the most envy

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The unhappiness of some people in the face of the happiness of others is something that seems to have no explanation, but we are talking about – mainly – those who are dealing with low self-esteem or feel frustrated with their own lives and, therefore, cannot tolerate the alien success.

Be careful, as this behavior is often seen in people from these groups:


Aries are very volatile people. This means that anything is capable of shaking your life and your emotions. As such, they can rarely find joy in other people's happiness because they cannot digest how others get what they are not able to get.

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It just highlights how insecure they are about their abilities.


The big problem with Taureans is low self-esteem, which makes them feel smaller than anyone else. It is common for them to be very upset when someone receives a lot of praise, as they believe that the abilities of others only highlight their weaknesses and inabilities.


Capricorns, on the other hand, want to be above everything and everyone, which just points out that they have a great inability to accept that others can be more successful than they are. With that, they will rarely be able to demonstrate genuine joy when hearing another person receiving compliments. Nor will they know how to praise anyone.


Similar to those mentioned above, Scorpios crave to be loved and cherished by everyone, as well as to become targets of compliments of people. That's why they can't be happy when someone becomes the center of attention, since this place, at least for Scorpio, is rightfully theirs.

As a consequence, they might also choose to offend people just to make themselves feel a little better.

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