Continuing Provision Benefit: see if you are able to receive the amount

O Continuing Provision Benefit (BPC), provided for in the Organic Law of Social Assistance - LOAS, is a guarantee of a monthly minimum wage for elderly aged 65 or over, or to people with disabilities of any age.

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In the case of a person with a disability, this must be a condition that causes impairments of a physical, mental, intellectual or sensory nature to long term (approximately 2 years) generating the impossibility of participating effectively in society on an equal basis with others people.

It is worth remembering that the BPC is not retirement, and to be entitled to it, it is not necessary to have contributed to the INSS. Unlike the other Social Security benefits, the BPC does not pay the 13th salary and does not leave a death pension. Another important point when applying for the BPC is that it is necessary to have an income in the family group equal to or less than ¼ of the minimum wage. Furthermore, if the income meets the requirement, the disabled person also undergoes a medical and social assessment at the National Institute of Social Security (INSS).

Those who receive the BPC benefit, as well as their family, have as a basic requirement enrollment in the CadÚnico, and this must be done before trying to apply for the benefit. If you do not have the registration, access to BPC is not possible.

To apply for the BPC, it is necessary to make the request through the INSS service channels, by calling 135 or through the Meu INSS website or mobile application. If you prefer, you can go to a Social Security agency to apply in person.

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