WhatsApp: Application announces updates with strategies and restrictions for Brazil

WhatsApp is a messaging application that helps users communicate and interact. In addition to text messages, it is possible to send images, videos and documents. In a recent report published on its official blog, the company stated that there will be some changes, previously announced last month, in the updated version of the application.

Keep reading and see what these changes, updates and restrictions are in place in Brazil.

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Check out what's new in the app

Among the novelties mentioned, there will now be the possibility of sending files of up to 2 gigabytes (GB) protected by end-to-end encryption. In the past, only files up to 100 megabytes (MB) could be sent or received with the tool.

Also, another feature of the new update is that there is now the possibility to react to messages sent by other users. In this update, six different types of emojis will be used. It's them: 👍❤️😂😮😢🙏.

The company communicates that it is developing new resources so that organizations, companies and other small communities can communicate securely and be able to perform tasks using the Whatsapp. Also, according to them, the comments so far have been positive and these resources may soon be made available.

WhatsApp in Brazil

In Brazil, instant messaging is one of the main uses of mobile devices, such as cell phones and smartphones. In addition, we are the second country in the world in number of WhatsApp users, second only to India. According to some studies, 96% of Brazilians use WhatsApp as their preferred means of messaging.

Finally, WhatsApp informs that the expansion of groups to up to 512 users and the “communities” function will not yet be available in the Brazilian market. According to the company, there is a justification that it will have a “long-term strategy” for Brazil and that it is not among the priority markets for the novelty.

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