Did you know that dogs understand us very well?

It is noticeable that pets understand us when we call for a walk, play, run, eat or sleep. However, it has been discovered that dogs are able to understand us beyond those words. This study was carried out by a Canadian university, which concluded that they can understand an average of 89 words and their actions.

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To reach this conclusion, scientists established 172 words and phrases for owners to communicate with their respective dogs. Thus, each of the 165 tutors would have to provide notes on what the dog understood or did not understand, as well as their reactions to the words.

The scores were between 0 and 5, with 0 reflecting that the dog had no understanding and 5 if the animal understood and reacted to it according to the meaning of the word.

In addition, the way of pronouncing the words is also taken into account. They tested different tones of voice and also the places where they are said. This was done to find out if the animal actually thinks about the action and not about understanding the environment or the way it is said.


The study concluded that dogs understand, on average, 89 words and phrases and some more stimulated dogs reach more than 200 words. This is equivalent to the understanding of a 2 or 3 year old.

The most recognized words were commands like sit, stay, come on, lay down, stay, sit down, good boy, wait, no, drop that, yes, and your own name, with all variations of mood and tone. 90% of the dogs recognized all the words.

The research points out that they cannot define specific races as more or less intelligent, however, when they have specific functions – like police or rescue dogs – they tend to understand more words than dogs. domestic.

And this happens because they are more stimulated to learn, because they are trained and try to make more associations and link words to more actions, something that domestic dogs are not used to to develop.

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