Stay tuned! Registration for Sisu 2023 starts at 00:00 on February 28

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If you took Enem in 2022, stay tuned! The registration date for the Unified Selection System (Sisu 2023) is approaching! It is worth remembering that this is only the first edition of the program. Another is expected to take place in June, with classes beginning in the second semester.

Read more: Will you enroll in Prouni, Fies or Sisu in 2023? Pay attention to the dates!

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In 2023, more than 222,000 vacancies will be offered in more than 120 public institutions (federal universities, federal institutes and universities states).

More vacancies

The number of vacancies in 2023 increased in relation to the 2022 edition. Last year, MEC offered 221,790 vacancies in 125 higher education institutions, while this year there are 225,145 open opportunities.

Vacancies are spread throughout Brazil. However, according to a survey carried out by the National Education Portal, two states did not join the Ministry of Education (MEC) system this year: Rondônia and Tocantins.

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When do registrations for Sisu 2023 begin?

Registration for Sisu 2023 will start at 00:00 on February 28th. if you did And either, did not finish the essay and finished High School, you can put the date in your diary.

See Sisu's schedule for 2023

  • Date to be set: Consultation of vacancies;
  • February 28th to March 3rd: Registrations;
  • March 7th: Result of the Regular Call;
  • Date to be set: Registration;
  • March 7 the date set: Manifestation of the Waiting List;
  • Date to be set: Calling the Waiting List.

List of vacancies by Brazilian state:

  • Acre (AC) – 1,880
  • Alagoas (AL) – 7,805
  • Amapá (AP) – 1,377
  • Amazonas (AM) – 2,781
  • Bahia (BA) – 16,295
  • Ceará (CE) – 11,357
  • Federal District (DF) – 1,012
  • Espírito Santo (ES) – 4,784
  • Goiás (GO) – 6,828
  • Maranhão (MA) – 4,648
  • Mato Grosso (MT) – 8,122
  • Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) – 5,473
  • Minas Gerais (MG) – 26,196
  • Pará (PA) – 2,729
  • Paraíba (PB) – 19,028
  • Paraná (PR) – 11,881
  • Pernambuco (PE) – 16,061
  • Piauí (PI) – 6,173
  • Rio de Janeiro (RJ) – 15,788
  • Rio Grande do Norte (RN) – 13,242
  • Rio Grande do Sul (RS) – 12,919
  • Rondônia (RO) – 0
  • Roraima (RR) – 850
  • Santa Catarina (SC) – 5,791
  • São Paulo (SP) – 13,269
  • Sergipe (SE) – 5,856
  • Tocantins (TO) – 0

Total vacancies in Brazil: 222,145

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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