Knife attack leaves three students injured in Sweden

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This Thursday (1st), there was a knife attack in Esquiltuna, Sweden, resulting in at least three students being injured.

According to information from local authorities, three people were stabbed and hospitalized. So far, no victims have been identified or any suspects in connection with the incident arrested.

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Initially, the police mistakenly reported that the attack took place inside a school, but corrected the statement after the repercussion of the case.

In fact, an unidentified man attacked students who were on an excursion in the city, located about 100 kilometers from Stockholm.

Local authorities have ruled out terrorism and are treating the case as an attempted murder.

Anyway, the alert was turned on, due to similar situations that have occurred in other countries.

The victims of the attempted murder have not had their names released, and there are still no suspects for the crime.

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According to information released by Swedish television, the incident began in a fight between two groups of young people that took place in sports facilities.

The three hospitalized victims have wounds on the upper part of the body, but according to information released so far, they are not life-threatening.

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