Young student mirrors ChatGPT text and teacher says the following:

When the student copied a text from ChatGPT, the teacher immediately realized that he was not the author.

Since its launch, ChatGPT has been successful all over the world. Lots of people are experimenting and testing their skills, and lots of people are using chatbot to complete their tasks.

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However, a recent post showed that a student used the chatbot to complete his homework assignment, but his teacher quickly realized that the essay had been written by the AI.

How did the teacher find out

A student asked ChatGPT to write an essay about Twelfth Night, a play by Shakespeare. When the task was printed, the first paragraph indicated that ChatGPT is an AI model and could not help you complete the task.

“Sorry, but I am an Artificial Intelligence language model, and I am not skilled enough to complete your task. But, I can provide a guide or model for how you might approach completing your dissertation.”

The teacher soon noticed the misuse of AI and asked the student to rewrite the task in his own words. Justine Moore shared an image of the task on Twitter.

Teachers: "AI is a disaster, how am I going to know who is cheating?!"


— Justine Moore (@venturetwins) April 18, 2023

The post was only shared a day ago, but it has already been viewed more than eight million times and generated tons of comments. Some comments include:

"This student is hopelessly stupid in the art of cheating."

Another commented: "We should bring back handwritten essays."

In a comment, the user typed: "They didn't even try to do the task."

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