See how to protect your investments from war

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Much is asked about the impacts of the War between Ukraine and Russia in Brazil. However, until now, little is known about the unfolding of this military movement here in America.

However, it is already being studied whether it is possible to perceive the economic impact of the conflict on our country. After all, today's world is very interconnected and countries depend on each other. That's why we made a brief guide on how to protect investments in War so you don't suffer unexpected attacks. Check out!

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Read more: War between Russia and Ukraine also happens on social media.

How to protect investments in War?

  • Prioritize long-term investments

Experts say that short-term investments at this time can generate several losses. After all, the market fluctuates a lot in this context of international conflict, so that in the coming months there may be significant casualties.

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On the other hand, long-term investments can mean interesting profits, although they do, in fact, require more patience from the investor. However, history has shown that long-term investors in times of war tend to receive more rewards.

  • Selling after a fall is not so interesting

It is very common for us to be scared at this time of great market volatility. However, not always giving up may be the right option in difficult times. On the contrary, those who sell stocks soon after a crash can risk losing years' work just out of fear.

Those who buy after a big drop can experience a new reality of ascension, if the company points to signs of rebuilding. That is, once again it will be necessary to resort to patience to achieve the best results and not to harm yourself in these moments.

  • Fixed Income and Treasury IPCA

For those afraid of using this moment to invest, the safest bet is to bet on fixed income and direct treasury. After all, these investments will follow the interest rate or inflation and guarantee the investor the possibility of redeeming the money more easily than in other modalities.

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