Pix: Rates for companies can reach R$ 150

In 2021, transactions via Pix made by companies began to be charged. However, although the collection of these fees through the Pix of legal entities is authorized, some fees are reaching very high values. Furthermore, many entrepreneurs are not even aware that they are paying for it. Keep reading and find out how much is the corporate PIX fee.

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An example of this is the financial institution Santander, which started charging Pix transactions on the 1st de Janeiro, charging the amount of R$ 2.50 for each withdrawal of money for business via Pix Troco or Pix Saque. Banco do Brasil is also moving in the same direction, since it charges BRL 2.90 for each withdrawal made by those who have a CNPJ.

On the other hand, Caixa Econômica Federal, Banco Inter, Nubank and C6 Bank do not charge fees to legal entities. In addition, individual companies and MEIs also do not have their transactions taxed, due to the category in which they operate. Although there are exemptions, some Pix rates can reach R$ 150 for entrepreneurs using the new Central Bank system.

Companies pay Pix rates of up to R$ 150 without knowing it

According to the manager of the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (CNDL), Daniel Sakamoto, the tariffs imposed on transactions via Pix for companies are a cause for concern. For him, the factor involving bank taxation on Pix could turn into a problem for the entity.

Therefore, the institution recommends that entrepreneurs carry out a price comparison of tariffs on Pix between financial institutions. In addition, the executive claims that the final cost is also being passed on to customers and consumers. As a result, this issue can become a differentiator for business owners.

“Adopting Pix has reduced costs, but fees can take away some of that advantage. The micro and small entrepreneur has to make a small account, everything weighs. That's why it's important to research. And it is not because Pix is ​​charging a fee that it is no longer competitive”, he pointed out.

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