10 animals found only in Australia

Australia is marsupial heaven. Marsupials are a large order of mammals, which includes, among others, possums, opossums and kangaroos, very characteristic in Australian regions.

In addition to marsupials, Australia still has mammals that are typical of the country. An example is the dingo, which looks like a common mongrel dog, but can be dangerous, its behavior resembles that of a wild wolf.

The echidna is a kind of hedgehog, but it resembles the appearance of a miniature anteater, but its body is like that of a porcupine. Its body covered in thorns makes it difficult for predators to catch it, since in a situation of risk, it contracts its entire body and turns into a ball, similar to an armadillo or porcupine.

They are small, about 30 to 45 centimeters, and can weigh up to 6 kilos.

It has this name because it is found in Tasmania, an island and a state of Australia that is located 240 km from the coast. southeast of the mainland of the country and has a snarl of the animal, which some people say sounds like a demon yelling.

They are very rare animals, with nocturnal habits, and because they are temperamental, if you are lucky enough to see one in its natural habitat, do not approach it.

This is a species of marsupial. These animals like to live alone, they are excellent diggers, they usually create holes of up to 3 meters deep to live, and that's why predators like dingoes and foxes don't find it with ease.

Quokkas are small Australian marsupials similar to kangaroo, but smaller.

They have an island of their own, Rottnest Island. It is located on the west coast of Australia and is heaven on earth, with beautiful beaches and thousands of these wonderful little animals running around everywhere.

Found on Outback trails, although it does inspire fear, it is completely harmless.

It moves very slowly and its spines are not poisonous, they serve to dissuade predators from trying to swallow it.

Despite being found in some zoos around the world, the beautiful and imposing black swan is another species unique to Australia, more specifically the south.

As its name suggests, it is all covered with beautiful black feathers, although some have lighter feathers, drawing attention to their beauty and elegance.

This is the symbol and icon of Australia, being also the main animal of the Australian fauna. It is the only animal in the world that moves by jumping. Its legs are very strong – each jump can reach up to 5 meters.

Females usually carry the young in the abdominal pouch, the marsupium, for up to 9 months, until they grow big enough to live alone. They are also very sociable, being found in the middle of cities.

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