How Much Does a Car Mechanic Earn?

The car mechanic is professional responsible for vehicle maintenance. That is, he takes care of motorcycles, engines, cars and the like. For this, it performs disassembly, repair and replacement of parts when necessary.

It is also your duty to adjust and lubricate the engine and parts attached to it. In this way, to perform his duties, the mechanic makes use of appropriate instruments and parts, aiming at repairing the vehicles.

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What does an auto mechanic do?

The work of the auto mechanic on vehicles is quite broad. Therefore, it can disassemble and clean the engine mount, the transmission organs. For this he uses appropriate dismantling techniques with common and special wrenches in dismantling. In cleaning, jets of water and air, detergent substances are used.

Cleaning aims at eliminating impurities, as well as preparing parts for repair and inspection, performing replacements and adjustments of engine parts. As well as oil pumps, piston rings, head, bearings, valve and others.

Also the professional who performs the maintenance of transmission, steering, brakes, auxiliary equipment and suspension. As well as performing the replacement, adjustment and repair of the ignition system (distributor and components, wiring and spark plugs).

As well as the brake system (cylinders, pipes, shoes and other parts), and the fuel supply system (pump, pipes, carburetor).

The lubrication and cooling, transmission, steering and suspension systems are also checked and repaired by the auto mechanic.

In addition, for the professional to become able to perform all these functions, he needs to take a technical course in the area. The course can be found in several professional schools throughout Brazil.


According to a survey carried out by the website Love Mondays, the average salary of a professional auto mechanic in Brazil is R$ 2,060.00.

However, it is important to emphasize that the values ​​vary according to the state, working hours and company. Therefore,

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