Silent reading: what is that 'voice' in the head while we're reading?

If we stop to observe, there is a “voice” in our mind at the moment of silent reading, Is not it? But, first of all, we need to know that there are three types of reading: aloud, in whispers or silently.

Practicing reading aloud can be helpful for both beginning readers and those who are tackling more challenging texts. By listening to the reading itself, it is possible to improve the understanding of the content, for example.

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For this, the justification is that reading aloud stimulates the connection between hearing and speech, helping to process information more effectively. As your reading skills develop, it is common for the practice of “reading while mumbling” to gradually decrease. This technique involves humming, whispering, or moving your lips while reading.

As you get better at reading, you begin to read silently “in your head,” using your inner voice. At this stage, you can understand the text without having to say it out loud.

Silent reading is a valuable skill as it allows you to process text faster and more efficiently without the need for external hearing. But what does this “voice” mean?

Voice that comes to mind while reading

In silent reading, we observe a certain type of “voice” speaking to the mind. Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky described this transition as “private speech,” referring to the inner voice people use to help themselves understand text. And what does this speech necessarily mean?

Interestingly, hearing an inner voice during silent reading is a common experience for most people. According to one study, about 4 out of 5 individuals report that they often or always hear an inner voice while silently reading to themselves.

This inner voice can vary from person to person, some can clearly hear a voice that reproduces the text, while others can have a more subtle sense of intonation or rhythm.

Some people report that their inner voice resembles the way they speak or even their speaking voice, while others may perceive a voice with a different pitch or timbre than their own.

This variation in the inner voice can be influenced by factors such as personality, life experiences, individual preferences and even the way each person interprets the text. It is important to highlight that there is no set standard for the inner voice and that the experience can be unique for each individual.

It is interesting to note that the inner voice during reading can be influenced by the content of the text. In a study of adult readers, it was observed that the voice people hear in their head can change depending on the context of the reading.

In fact, hearing an inner voice during silent reading is a normal part of the reading process and can be a sign that you are understanding the text well. Don't worry if your inner voice takes on different tones or timbres, or if you hear different voices depending on what you're reading. This is all part of each reader's unique experience.

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