Find out how the energy bill will be in January and if you will have any benefits


The year will start and some things will change in the energy bill. Are you on top of the changes?

Per Texty agency
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By all indications, the month of January will bring some news. Looks like something is going to change on the energy bill. Specific groups will benefit from the month of January. Read below and find out who may be entitled to this benefit. So, find out how the energy bill will be in January and if you are entitled to the benefit.

Energy bill in January

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Everything indicates that there will be a discount on the electricity bill in January. This has to do with a Federal Government Program called the Social Electricity Tariff (TSEE).

The program will draw up discounts on the electricity bill and Brazilians who have low incomes will have a concession as long as they meet the requirement. Around 14 million Brazilians benefit from the program and receive a 10% discount on their bills.

The program checks every month who can or cannot receive discounts on their electricity bills. To be part of the program, factors such as family consumption and monthly income must be taken into account.

You need to be aware of who really can or is entitled to receive the benefit in January and how to follow the rules to earn the discount given by the program.

Who can receive?

The TSEE, was established by Law No. 10,438, of April 26, 2022, and offers a discount on the payment of the electricity bill. The program helps families living in vulnerability Social.

They must have an up-to-date registration with the CadÚnico and has a maximum consumption of 220 kWh in the month. They receive a discount and must meet the following criteria:

  • Have an income of up to half the minimum wage;
  • Have an active enrollment in the Continued Benefit Benefit (BPC);
  • Have a family income of up to three minimum wages;
  • The resident, bearer of any illness or disability in which the performance of the treatment or procedure requires the use of devices or instruments that consume energy.

How will the discount be applied?

The discount is usually calculated on the basis of each family's consumption. The spending limit is 220 kWh/month. The lower the consumption, the greater the discount you will receive on your energy bill.

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