What was to be ready before the World Cup in Brazil, in 2014, is coming to an end now. The government of Mato Grosso made the proposal of the VLT (Light Rail Vehicles), costing R$ 1 billion for the project to be completed, with the objective of connecting Cuiabá and Várzea Grande. Now, the billionaire project is destroyed and could become a BRT.
End of the Cuiabá VLT
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This week, the BRT began to be analyzed as a proposal to replace the VLT in the capital. The delay in delivery was motivated by numerous reports of irregularities in the project.
After the discovery of irregularities, the government of Mato Grosso terminated the contract with the responsible company, still in 2017. The year of termination already had three years of delay in the delivery of the VLT.
In all, 80% of the VLT work was ready and Governor Mauro Mendes decided to scrap the entire structure to implement the BRT.
The new works, as stated by the state governor, will not cost the same amount to public coffers and will have a lower budget.
VLT works are destroyed and BRT comes in as a substitute
BRT will have a greater and better reach, ensuring that urban mobility will be reformulated and fares for BRT users will also be more affordable.
Despite the decision of the state government, the city of Cuiabá does not agree with the change and appealed to the TCE-MT (Tribunal de State Accounts) and the TCU (Union Court of Accounts) to try to prevent the dismantling of the works that were almost ready.
The TCE was against the city hall of the capital, but the TCU accepted the intervention and determined that the works be suspended.
In December 2022, the Federal Supreme Court (STF), through the decision of Minister Dias Toffoli, stated that the TCU is not part of the process and, therefore, should not have the opinion considered. The city of Cuiabá continues to criticize the position of the state government.
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