How to spend less energy with the washing machine?

It is inevitable to use the washing machine, since it is a creation that came to make our lives easier. In this sense, learning how to reduce energy expenditure during these washes can be an important differential in your economy. For this, see below some tips to save energy when using your washing machine.

See too: Discount on the energy bill for those who reduced 10% of consumption in the last 4 months is in effect

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Why save energy?

When we think about saving energy, then the financial question must come to mind. And in fact, we are consuming energy all the time and this has a cost that is often high. That way, if we don't waste energy unnecessarily and find ways to save it, we are also making financial savings.

However, there is also the environmental side. The energy we expend depends on natural resources, so the more we waste energy, the more resources we are wasting. In addition, many of these are not renewable or take time to renew, which can cause an environmental imbalance if misused.

How to save energy with your washing machine?

The easiest way to save energy when washing clothes is to activate the machine's energy saving function, but this is not the only way. So, here are some tips that might help you:

  1. Organize your washes. Instead of randomly washing clothes, allow them to accumulate until they are in an amount that fills the machine. If you do, you'll run your washing machine less often. This way, just leave the clothes in a basket and wash them with a certain frequency, like every 2 days, depending on the amount of clothes that accumulate per day in your house and the size of the machine. In addition, another option is to already put the dirty clothes in the machine as you use it, and when it fill up you wash, but in this case it's good to be careful not to mix colors or end up leaving clothes more delicate.
  2. In the case of clothes that are stained or grimy, wash them before putting them in the machine. You can soak them in some prewash or stain remover soap. Then rinse and put in the washing machine. By doing this, you avoid the use of very large appliance cycles and, thus, use less energy and also less water.
  3. Do not use a dryer. If you have the possibility of putting your clothes to dry on a clothesline, avoid turning on another one. appliance just for that or increase the time of use of the machine, in the case of machines that wash and dry. Despite the practicality brought with the dryer, avoiding it will spend much less energy.

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