Irresistible! See 13 compliments women LOVE to receive

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That everyone likes to receive a compliment, we already know! To be praised is to know that the other perceives beautiful and nice things about us, since no one wastes time pointing out good things about the other that are not true. In the case of women, there are specific compliments that make them more excited. These are very important to nurture a relationship with them. In case of flirting, they are essential to help you win her over.

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That way, we've broken down the top compliments and comments women want to receive so you always know what to say. It is important, of course, that everything is said from the heart. See what fits.

The 13 compliments most desired by women

“I love the way you express yourself”

When you say this to someone, you show that you understand them in every possible way and, with that, you allow them to express themselves the way they want. In other words, if you encourage her so that she can express her thoughts and opinions, you will have a relationship that is completely open to dialogue.

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She will realize that she has a partner who likes to listen to her.

“You are the best mom in the world” or “You are a great mommy”

Hearing from the partner that the work as a mother is being done with excellence is very important for each and every woman who is a mother. That's because we're talking about the most exhausting and frustrating job in the world. Given that very rarely will a child (especially in cases of young children) say this to her, it is important that her partner reminds her of this.

"I'm proud of you"

This compliment is valid not only for partners but also for all family and friends. Especially because, nothing better than knowing that the people close to you are proud of their achievements, isn't it? This kind of compliment beats anyone who is attached to appearance.

"Thank you very much"

Ok, receiving a “thank you” is not a typical compliment, but it is certainly missed in the lives of countless women who strive and do a lot for everyone. Whenever you can, thank her.

“I appreciate your effort”

One of the things women miss most about their partners is recognition, so start watching everything she does and show her that you recognize her and that you're proud of her.

“You are great at reminding me of things”

They tend to remember more of the small details than men, so if your woman has this all-important trait, start letting her know that you notice and value it.

“You always do your best, and that is more than enough”

In general, women tend to try very hard to please everyone and are often frustrated when they fail to accomplish something. Always show your partner that she's already working hard and that's enough.

“You are too tough”

They are always considered the “weaker sex” when, in fact, they are very tough and put up with situations that many men would not. Tell her you know she's very tough.

"You make me smile"

In addition to so many compliments, if your partner makes you happy, don't forget to always say that she's funny and that she always makes you smile.

"I really like you"

For some of them, hearing an “I like you” is much more rewarding than an “I love you”. This happens because in a marriage, sometimes an “I love you” seems more like an obligation while “I like you” demonstrates that you like one or more things about her, that is, that you are still in love.

“You are strong and do not give up”

When a partner talks about his woman's strength and persistence, he elevates her to an unparalleled level. After all, it's really nice to receive that kind of compliment, right? Especially when nothing goes right.

“You teach me a lot”

In a relationship, it's common for the couple to always learn something from each other, so knowing that she taught you something is extremely rewarding, as it shows that she is part of your growth.

“You are my favorite person”

And last but not least, this comment is – without a doubt – what all women want to hear from their partners. This compliment indicates affection, appreciation, love and compassion. It's just perfect and worth mentioning.

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