NEVER cut a medicine in half to ingest it; see the reason

Cut the pill in half, either to take half the medication or facilitate ingestion, is a dangerous practice! This is because, in addition to harming the patient's treatment, this act can put their health at risk. Understand!

According to a study released by the Catholic University of Pelotas, in Rio Grande do Sul, it was discovered that, in addition to the health risks, breaking the pill in half can cause intoxication. The medicine analyzed by the study was the most prescribed diuretic for hypertension in the country. During the tests, 750 pills were broken.

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In the study, in none of them, the two halves had the same amount of the active ingredient, which is the substance that acts in the body to fight the disease. The difference, according to the research, reached 15%, that is, one of the pieces has less effect than the other.

National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa)

According to Anvisa, coated tablets, drugs with controlled release, capsules, dragees and pills cannot be broken. This information is contained in the package leaflet of the medicines.

Pharmacist Ademir Valério, president of the National Association of Master Pharmacists, said that there is also the possibility of losses when the pill “crumbles”, not guaranteeing the doses of each outlet.

The grooved tablets, those that have a mark in the middle, could theoretically be divided if users had a specific cutting instrument for this purpose, according to the pharmaceutical. However, even so, Anvisa does not recommend the break.

Pills without grooves should never be broken. The tablets are prepared by the industry to release the actives gradually and cannot be broken as this modifies the availability of the active chemical substance.

In this way, the dragees, which have a rigid layer to protect the content, cannot be broken, because this action compromises the integrity of the medicine in the composition.

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