The world's blackest Porsche becomes the 'death trap'

being a fan of cars sports and high performance or not, everyone has heard about the porsche 911. This classic from the German brand is one of the most requested around the world, but it was also the subject of controversy in Japan. Known as the "blackest car in the world", he has been successful in the country of the rising sun, but also raises questions among some citizens.

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The car

According to experts, the tone on the bodywork of the car is known as Musou Black, and was developed by Kyoko Orient Japan, a company already known for applying it to other car models. Basically, it's such a dark hue that it only reflects 0.6% of the light that hits its surface, making it virtually imperceptible in low-light environments. Proudly, those responsible for the project claim that this is a car that is almost 100% camouflaged.

The controversies in the country

As it went viral in Japan, it wasn't long before some criticism was raised about the project. Many Japanese were concerned that such a dark car could cause traffic accidents. After all, because it's barely noticeable, especially at high speed, it can get in the way of other drivers and even pedestrians. In a YouTube video, where the model is presented in more detail, users point out that it could easily be crushed by a truck.

Because of this, the vehicle was also known as “death trap” on the social networks. In Gifu, the city where it was created, the Porsche needed special clearance from the local authorities to be able to drive through traffic. On the other hand, the paint aroused so many curious people that it started to be bought in droves over the internet, where the government highlighted a series of precautions that need to be taken with it.

Despite this, this is still not the blackest hue in the world, as this is a title that belongs to Vantablack, created by Ben Jensen and produced by Surrey NanoSystems. However, its use is directed only to technical applications.

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