Tips on what to do to protect children from the heat increase

In recent decades, planet Earth has experienced a considerable increase in temperatures. This phenomenon can already be felt and generates health problems that can be serious in the long term. With that in mind, here are some tips for how to protect children from heat wave in a simple way, so check it out.

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Care during the heat

Spring is already close and Brazil will certainly face high temperatures. In this context, it is important to remember those who are more vulnerable to heat, such as the elderly and children, and these tips may be crucial:

  • Dress the children in light clothes

Despite the tendency of children and adolescents to wear coats and heavy clothes even in high temperatures, this practice can be very dangerous. This is because the increase in body temperature can cause discomfort that can range from dizziness to fainting. Thus, the best option is to use lightweight fabrics that allow the child's skin to breathe. In this same respect, opt for specific clothes for the heat, preferably those with UV protection and hats that reduce the sun's incidence on the head.

  • always sunscreen

In the previous item, it was seen how important it is to wear light and fresh clothes, but these have the danger of exposure to the sun. However, the positive side is that for this problem there is a very simple solution, which is sunscreen. Therefore, never forget to apply the product to all exposed areas of your child's body, especially the face and neck. In fact, this product is indispensable even if the little one just rides in a car during the day and has few direct moments in the sun, as there is still a serious risk of sunstroke.

  • Hydration is key

Hydrating frequently is not an option, but an essential necessity during the heat. For this, choose to use thermoses, preferably with designs that encourage children to drink water. Also, educate them to replace the water in the bottle whenever it runs out so that they are always hydrated.

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