Types of vaporization. Differences between types of vaporization

The change in physical state or matter aggregation that occurs with the passage from liquid to gas is called vaporization. However, there are three types of vaporization, which are: evaporation, boiling and heating.

Let's see the difference of each one of them, remembering that in all cases there is a passage from liquid to gas:

Evaporation: is the phase change from liquid to gas in a gradual, slow way. It only occurs on the surface of the liquid and is not visually perceptible, as there are no bubbles or agitation inside.

Examples: The clothes that dry on the clothesline, the river that evaporates, a pool of water that dries, etc.

The transition from a liquid to a gaseous state of river water and clothes drying on the clothesline are examples of evaporation.

Boiling: in this case, the transition from liquid to gaseous state is caused by an increase in temperature, so it is faster than the previous one. There is the formation of bubbles, which is quite noticeable to the naked eye, as it occurs with agitation and throughout the entirety of the matter.

Example: Boiling water.

The transition from a liquid to a gaseous state of boiling water is an example of boiling.

Heating: It is a much faster vaporization than the two previous ones. It occurs when a liquid comes into contact with a surface that is at a temperature higher than its boiling point.

Example: Drops of water “jumping” in contact with an iron or a griddle.

The passage from the liquid to the gaseous state of the water that falls on the hot plate is an example of heating

By Jennifer Fogaça
Graduated in Chemistry
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/quimica/tipos-vaporizacao.htm

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