In terms of the exact sciences, vectors are straight segments oriented, responsible for the characterization of the greatnesses defined as vectors. It is important to point out that the word vector takes on different meanings depending on the context in which it is applied. Agents that spread infectious and contagious diseases, for example, are also called vectors.
Types of quantities
Anything that can be measured is considered to be a quantity. Pasta, velocity, acceleration, strength and energy are some of the myriad physical greats. The quantities are classified into two groups: scalar and vector.
scalars: Type of quantity that is defined only from the information of its numerical value (modulus), followed by a unit of measure. Mass, temperature and energy are examples of scalar quantities;
Vector: Type of quantity that has, in addition to the numerical value (modulus), direction and direction. Force, velocity and acceleration are examples of vector quantities.
Note that by saying that the
temperature environment is 25 °C, information is fully transmitted, no add-on is required. However, if we say that a force of 150 N was applied to any body, we need to inform the direction of force application (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) and its direction (right, left, up, etc.).Vectors
Vectors represent vector quantities and indicate their magnitude, direction and direction.

O module is the numerical value of the vector followed by the unit of measure that defines the vector quantity. THE direction is the line where the vector is located, and the possible directions are: diagonal, horizontal and vertical. O sense this is where the vector acts according to its direction, so the directions can be right, left, up, down, east, north, etc.
The following vector represents a force that acts horizontally, to the right and has a modulus equal to 50 N.

The vector below, on the other hand, has the same module as the previous vector (numerical value), but its direction is diagonal, with an upward and a left direction.

Mind Map: Vectors

*To download the mind map in PDF, Click here!
vector operations
Vector operations are not performed in the same way as algebraic operations. The modules of two vectors will literally be added or subtracted only if their directions are equal.

In the image above, the modulus of vector C will be the sum of the moduli of vectors A and B, as they have the same direction and the same direction. If the directions were opposite, the vector modules should be subtracted, and the resulting vector would have the same direction as the largest vector of the operation, which in this case is vector A.
If the directions are different, apply the polygon and parallelogram rules, which will determine the characteristics of the resulting vector. THE vector decomposition is an operation performed with vectors to define their horizontal and vertical components.
By Joab Silas
Graduated in Physics
*Mental Map by Me. Rafael Helerbrock
Source: Brazil School -