Nokia 105 rocks in 2022: the world's best-selling entry-level cell phone

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What the famous Nokia Tijolão has already been successful, has gone down in history. And apparently, the company's success continues! In the first quarter of 2022, the Nokia 105 won the podium cell phone best-selling staple in the world. This classification made HMD Global, owner of the brand, ranked second in the ranking of companies with similar models. To learn more about these gadgets, check out the full article!

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Nokia 105: learn more about this success

The Nokia 105 is part of the so-called feature phones. These are simpler devices, which were very successful in the past and are now perceived by their retro style. Even basic, the Nokia 105 contains very necessary tools, in addition to the function of making calls and sending SMS, and still has the famous snake and flashlight game.

Although it is not officially sold in Brazil, it is possible to find it in online retail for a very affordable price, in the range of 170 – 200 reais. For those who want to escape the excess of modernity and immediacy that current devices offer, the Nokia 105 seems to be the perfect solution.

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Only with 2G internet availability, without the ability to use applications such as WhatsApp, Instagram or Twitter, and with music via FM radio, it becomes very unusual and very welcome. In addition, it has an “infinite battery”, which can last for about 15 consecutive days on a single charge.

Nokia's success in Brazil

It is not the first time that an HMD Global device has been successful in the country. In 2018, the Nokia 8110 stood out for its IP52 protection, in addition to its striking color. More recently, in 2021, the company recreated the famous “brick”, a Nokia 6310.

Contrary to what they appear in the market flow, basic cell phones have been moving high amounts of money. Because they have a much higher durability than other smartphones, and also due to the high number of thefts, it has become essential to have a spare cell phone for security reasons.

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