Understand how the Drone process works and what the risks are; understand

A technology is constantly changing in the world today and, along with it, several improvements appear every day. The Internet of Things is a digital interconnection between everyday objects and the Internet, which is why it brings many new features and practicality to people's lives. However, drones can track the signals that are emitted by command devices. According to the University of Waterloo, this information is not scary.

This information is not scary, as a thief cannot have the necessary equipment to track the signals. from his family home and, most likely, he does not have the technical knowledge to carry out this function. Despite this, there is the possibility of exploiting this possibility in larger cases, such as a bank robbery or operations carried out by the police and the army.

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Understand how the tracking process works

The computer science team at the University of Waterloo built mapping equipment at a low cost, that is, anyone who understands the subject can track signals. According to the team, it only took one drone and an additional $15 to create the tracking system.

O drone searches for signals from smart devices to perform indoor object mapping. Regardless of these objects being connected to the Wi-Fi network, they still continue to respond to signals coming from other command equipment.

For example, suppose you are using a smartwatch, the drone is able to monitor your movement indoors, with an accuracy of one meter.

However, according to university professor Ali Abedi, it is possible to fix this error through chip manufacturers, through updates, in order to make the signals random. Therefore, this would cause a failure in tracking accuracy.

Even though it is unlikely that a burglar would buy a drone to rob a house, it is important to note that there are easier ways to use this technology.

In any case, because it is a low-cost piece of equipment with advanced technology, drones and their functions can also be used for military purposes and in police operations.

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