Preparing for Entrance Exam Time

The preparation for the entrance exam should take place on the day before it, where you can maintain some attitudes that guarantee peace of mind when facing the exams.

Follow your usual routine. Don't make up to do things that will make you very tired, like taking a trail. If you want to go sightseeing, go to places that will help you relax, such as the cinema, chatting with friends or having a massage.

Do not eat very spicy foods, nor seafood or heavy sauces, which can cause discomfort, diarrhea and vomiting. Choose foods that your body is already used to, such as lean meat and a lighter salad. Alcoholic drinks no way. In addition to being bad for your health, they can leave you with a hangover, with a heavy head, making your brain function slower.

Keeping calm is critical for approval

Go to the test site beforehand to make sure of it and time the time taken to get there. Leave the house at least half an hour in advance, ensuring you won't be late. Talk to your parents or guardians to arrange the time to get up, put two clocks to wake up, because if one doesn't work, another will be guaranteed.

Put away comfortable clothes and shoes and bring a coat for possible weather changes. Maintaining concentration while cold is impossible.

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When you arrive at the exam site, stay calm, try to talk to people who can calm you down and escape from the exam subjects. Talk about some party, show, movie, food, but don't remember tests and difficulties, as it can cause anxiety and nervousness.

Take a bottle of water, cereal bars and chocolate, as they serve as a replenishment of energy and can be ingested without restrictions.

At the entrance, if you need to, use the bathroom immediately, avoiding losing concentration. Try not to drink too much fluid so there is no need to go to the bathroom more than once.

To write, bring more than one pen, in the required color, usually black. In addition to these, take a pencil, eraser and sharpener to solve calculation issues with greater confidence.

At first, read the entire test book, check that there are no errors, printing flaws that could affect your performance. Choose a discipline that you find easier, to start the test, in order to calm you down. When you finish this matter, move on to the ones you consider the most difficult, and resume the easiest ones at the end.

The important thing is to maintain attitudes that make your life easier, leaving you more organized and calm for the exams. And good luck!

By Jussara de Barros
Graduated in Pedagogy
Brazil School Team

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BARROS, Jussara de. "Preparing for Entrance Exam Time"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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