You must have noticed that optical illusion images are super popular, right? After all, every day there are thousands of challenges on social networks such as Tik Tok, Facebook and Twitter. Even through them, artists manage to go far beyond the tests and create breathtaking images. But who is behind these images that have drawn so much attention? Discover below the best optical illusion painters.
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Best optical illusion painters
Optical illusion plays with our powers of observation, especially when it makes us assume something is not really there. With that in mind, artists spend a lot of time developing illustrations for this purpose, even if they just look pretty at first. Check out some of these figures below!
1. MC Escher

Maurits Cornelis Escher, or MC Escher, as he is known in the art world, is one of the most outstanding painters among lovers of optical illusions. This is because he uses woodcuts, mezzo-paints and lithographs, which gives a unique tone to his works. In addition, he uses knowledge in mathematics, architecture and geometry to create figures that, despite seeming normal, are impossible in reality.

2. Salvador Dali

Impossible not to put Salvador Dalí on this list, right? After all, among all genres, this is one of the most popular performers. Through a very fertile imagination, he was able to bring out a wild imaginative artistry that was added to his grandiose demeanor. Most likely you have already seen a work by this great artist of optical illusions!

3. Robert Gonsalves

Robert or Rob Gonsalves! The Canadian artist owns some of the most famous works over the internet. With them, Internet users spend hours and hours trying to identify the elements that confuse their brains. According to specialists, he manages to convey everyday images and scenarios with great precision, but always with a touch of fantasy. Thus, he is well known for a style called "Magical Realism". Interesting, isn't it?

4. Oleg Shupliak

It is very likely that you have already seen some art by this Ukrainian painter, as he has become very well known on social media. Including, with little time observing his works, it is possible to understand the reasons why he became so popular.