INSS proof of life is required again in 2023; Know more!

Those insured by National Institute of Social Security more recent ones probably did not need to present the proof of life, which was an annual mandatory measure of the institute. Such a review, suspended since 2020, has been required again, but with some changes, check it out!

Previously, it was necessary for retirees, pensioners and INSS beneficiaries to attend in person, when summoned, at some social security agency and demonstrate that they are alive, as well as the name.

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This would allow them to continue receiving payments each month. But, with the arrival of the covid-19 pandemic, the municipality suspended the requirement for such proof.

As for this year, when proof of life is once again a mandatory measure, the procedure will take place in a more technological way, being done digitally.

For this to be possible, the INSS will use a technology that allows cross-referencing data from various public bodies, so that it will be possible to identify which policyholders have some recent activity recorded.

With the help of these interconnected bodies, it will be possible to check whether an insured person has received any vaccinations or used the services of the Health Unic System (SUS), thus being able to verify that he is alive.

But it will not only be the SUS that will have the data communicated with the INSS for this purpose. Several other activities that are registered in the official public system will be used as proof of life before the institute.

So, check below all the activities that will serve as proof of life for the National Institute of Social Security:

  • Access to the Meu INSS website or application;
  • Face-to-face assistance at Social Security agencies;
  • Updating data in the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico);
  • Registration or re-registration in transit or public safety bodies;
  • Voting vouchers in elections;
  • Consultations in the Unified Health System (SUS);
  • Income tax declaration;
  • Issuance or renewal of official documents (example: RG, CNH, CTPS);
  • Conducting medical expertise;
  • Receipt of benefit with biometric recognition;
  • Vaccination record.

The use of this technology brings benefits both for retirees and pensioners and for the municipality itself and its employees, as it saves a lot of time. With this, the beneficiary does not need to appear in person at an agency simply to prove that he is still alive.

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