Learn about 6 Asian countries in this word search

Prepare your concentration and look calculated in search of the right word. That's how the game Hunting words it works, and in it you will test your clue interpretation skills. The topic of today's game is countries located on the Asian continent.

Check out what they are and have fun learning a little more about each one of them.

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Learn more about these countries!

The biggest continent we have is Asia, where 50 countries are located. Due to its extension, there are different vegetations and reliefs, as well as climatic diversity.

Now let's get to know some of these countries that make up the continent! The tips presented will help you discover the names. Remember if: words can be in all directions (horizontal, vertical, inverted).

  1. It is located in the middle east. A good part of the world's Jewish population is there. It is bathed by 4 seas: Dead Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea and Sea of ​​Galilee.
  2. In addition to English and Hindi, there are 21 national languages ​​and 400 languages ​​and dialects in this country. Holi is the festival of colors that marks the arrival of spring.
  3. Its flag has 3 colors: red, white and green. Due to religion, alcohol consumption is prohibited. Also, the wearing of Hijab by women is mandatory.
  4. Country formed by a set of islands arranged. Its capital is Manila and most of its population is Catholic.
  5. It is located in southwest Asia, close to Thailand. It is quite distant and the trip takes an average of 24 hours of flight time from Brazil. It is a former French colony with a predominantly Buddhist religion.
  6. Most of the buildings have a wooden structure. It is forbidden to smoke in the streets and that is why there are appropriate places, called smoking areas. It is a country famous for technology and animation.
Asian countries in word search

So, did you manage to find the 6 countries in Asia? We hope you enjoyed the prank! Now, check out the answer to the challenge below:

Asian countries in word search

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