What vegetables can a dog eat? Check out:

Puppies need a balanced diet that provides the nutrients and vitamins necessary for healthy development. Therefore, in this diet you can include some vegetables that will benefit your dog's health and vary the menu a little.

Read more: Check out which plants are dangerous for dogs.

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However, it is important to pay attention to what vegetables dogs can eat, as their digestive system is different from ours. Therefore, before giving a vegetable to your dog, research to find out if, in this specific case, the food would do him good or bad. If you want to know more about what vegetables can a dog eat and which ones are definitely can't, read on!

What vegetables can a dog eat?

There is a variety of vegetables that can serve as a food supplement for dogs, however, realize that these vegetables need to be a complement. That's because dogs, like us, are omnivores. Which means they can eat both meat and some vegetables, but a plant-only diet is not ideal.

Thus, the best thing is that you use specific foods developed for dogs, as they already come with the specific dose of necessary nutrients. However, a good option, a healthier option, is to replace some of the fatty and high-calorie snacks with vegetables.

Therefore, you may be feeding your dog vegetables such as zucchini, carrots, eggplant and chayote. When using these vegetables as snacks your dog will not have any complications, but stay tuned in which vegetables you should avoid.

Vegetables that are prohibited for dogs

As already mentioned, the digestive system of dogs can identify as toxic some substances that for us humans can even be good for. As well as solamine, a substance present in potatoes, which can cause gastrointestinal problems in your best friend.

Other vegetables that you need to avoid giving your dog are onions and garlic, which are extremely toxic for pets. So opt for vegetables that are richer in water. Like those mentioned above and also cucumber, serving it with skins, so that the dog can take advantage of the fibers. In addition, you can offer these vegetables raw or cooked, just being careful with a possible seasoning used in cooking, being better steamed.

Finally, keep taking care of your pet's food, and count on us on this mission. Save this article so you don't forget details, and share it with your friend who is also a pet's father!

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