Napping chamber was created by a Japanese; know the invention

Hiruyasumi, in Japanese, means “lunch break” or “noon break” and can be considered a invention for those who like to take a nap after lunch. The camera's inventor, Twitter user @buhibuhiuhohoho, said the design was based on his personal needs.

After all, a nap is simply invigorating! And a nap on the train is something totally special… are you going to say no?!

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He had thought of something that would take away the need to recline at his office desk. This position, according to him, makes the body not understand rest and wake up even more tired. Tilt the chair back is also unlikely because there is nowhere to rest the neck. This is how the concept of the invention of the century came about!

Snooze Chamber: Necessity!

From the outside, the chamber looks like a work booth, photo effects booth or that typical London phone booth. The inspiration was even similar to a suburban train seat in Japan.

It's not just on the other side of the world that it's common to take short naps in train or subway cars.

Photo: Twitter / @buhibuhiuhohoho.

In Brazil, certainly, sleeping in a train car can be dangerous, given the difference between crime rates between Japan and our country. However, cabin security would be impressive given that there are no reserved spaces on trains in many countries.

That creation it can be developed in the long term, just as it can be an idea that will never be put into practice. Meanwhile, it's worth admiring the genius of a Twitter user who was able to think so far and so practically.

The comments, of course, showed that the public was delighted with the creation. One person commented that he wants one of these in his house and that he doesn't need to take it to any station.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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