When the lie overlaps the truth, know how to detect it

For most people, lying is normal. Why? Depending on the size of the lie, this can happen very naturally and even with some frequency, but there are some characteristics that denounce the chronic liar. The one you can't trust! Here are some tips that will help you catch the underhand.

Read more: How to recognize the signs that someone is lying

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Lying destroys trust

The liar who lies too often and too many times ends up losing the trust of others. when their fallacies are discovered, because the truth is that no lie can't be sustained for long time.

What is also known is that there is a purpose behind every lie, such as the desire to exploit others to gain some advantage over them. In general, each lie fits its deceiver.

To guard against people like that, you need to learn three basic rules of behavior: feel your emotions, keep them busy and let them talk, especially as looking away, fidgeting in the hands and a stutter already denounce.

The benefit of the lie teller

One study indicates that most people lie at least once during a conversation of up to ten minutes, which means that we throw away about ten fibs a day. In a society where the theory of the standard of truth prevails, the deceiver is the best.

In order to prosper in life and gain an advantage over others, the liar will certainly win everyone over, as he will not hesitate to exaggerate his qualifications. to get a higher-paying job or to lie about a topic he has only read the abstract about, as this will make him appear smart and well informed.

Observe behaviors to recognize a liar

Improving the habit of listening is one of the rules for identifying a person who speaks the truth or who lies. Since those who speak the truth hardly hesitate, the liar is his opposite: in addition to hesitating, he is unable to maintain a detailed and plausible conversation, since his memories are not real. So keep him talking.

If you want to catch the person in the lie, also look at their feelings or lack thereof. The way she mentions a memory, experience or her own imagination will reveal true or false traits.

A memory of an event, for example, almost always refers to some sensory detail (smell, how things seemed) while in an invented narrative very coherent cognitive operations are identified and always objective.

make it difficult to lie

The third option or rule for this task is to make the lie more difficult by keeping the person busy with other activities while they tell their story. Well, lying is almost never easy, especially if the person is multitasking.

The liar needs some planning for his performance to convince, so his brain – because it is too busy – does not will have enough resources to lie convincingly, as they will need to deal with other demands at the same time. time.

There's a practice made up of small rhythmic gestures, resuming phrases we're all in sync with, and these three rules that can improve your ability to detect lies. Humans are good at omitting or modifying the truth in their favor. The consequence of this is that there are also many who are great to identify them.

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