Cute Lover's Habits That Become Annoying in the Long Run

At the beginning of the relationship, certain things that you would find embarrassing, irritating, childish or boring may be beautifuls, cute and curious. Over the months, you will get used to each other, so certain jokes need to be overcome so that they don't become annoying and push you away instead of bringing you closer.

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Find out below which habits irritate partners and should be avoided.

Not-so-cool attitudes in long-term relationships

Passion can be scientifically understood as a state of mental, biochemical and physical alteration, in which the your body tends to release hormones that leave you in a state of anxiety, happiness and excitement for some reason. person.

According to neuroscience, passion can have a duration that varies – on average – between 12 and 48 months. After that period, things that were previously approved, laughed at or at least tolerated between you may become quite irritating. See some examples:

Jokes and teasing with a background of truth

Among the mottos of non-violent communication, the following stands out: “always verbalize what you are feeling calmly and in the gentlest way possible”. However, some people tend to act impulsively when they are upset about something. Therefore, they make provocations that can be interpreted as jokes; however, over time, these taunts can become increasingly acidic, ironic and mean. Nothing like this will end well.

The solution to this is to renounce these pranks when it comes to complaining and… simply complain. You don't have to be thick for this, just objective, patient and empathetic.

Confusing the desire to have fun with escaping reality

Most couples can claim that they met at parties, ballads or similar situations. At that time, they feel young and reckless. It's fun and wonderful to feel alive hanging out with the person you love the most.

However, we must be cautious. If the person is always resorting to parties, alcohol, drugs and other types of escape from reality, it may become a problem, like an addiction. This can completely destroy the couple and the life of the person in question.

not knowing how to be serious

It's great to be with people who have a good sense of humor and like to see the bright side of life. But when things go wrong or you need to get serious, this can be very inconvenient! Don't be the type of guy who is always laughing at everything. Sometimes your partner just needs somebody to hold your hand and say, "Yeah, it's really awful. Should we talk about it?”

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