Do you want to exchange in 2023? Know what to do to get

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According to the Selo Belta survey, 75% of Brazilian students point to exchange as a way to invest in their careers and fulfill their dream of getting to know different countries and cultures.

Also according to the survey, 15.4% of these students intend to travel in the second half of 2023. For the first half of 2024, this percentage increases to 28.6%.

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Additionally, 21% of students plan to embark on an exchange experience in 2025 or beyond.

Starting with planning is essential to transform the desire to travel abroad into a concrete project. First of all, it is important to define the available budget and choose the destination that best fits the time and money available.

Based on this information, it is possible to take the first steps towards realizing this dream.


It is essential to have a financial reserve to live the exchange experience. On average, students invested around US$8,307 in exchange packages in the year 2022, representing a considerable increase over the US$5,928 invested in 2019.

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When thinking about the 5.83% devaluation of the dollar compared to last year and the quotation of R$ 4.97 recorded in the penultimate week of May 2023, the average expenditure would be R$ 41,285.

As highlighted by Alexandre Argenta, president of Belta, it is important to emphasize that the value mentioned above may vary according to the country of destination and the chosen program.

Some countries have more flexible laws regarding studying and working, which can influence travel costs.

Exchange: study and work abroad

Among the most popular options, Canada stands out as the most desired country for students in 2022, representing 21% of trips.

An advantage of this destination is the possibility of working for up to 20 hours a week, as long as the student is enrolled in a long-term higher education course.

Argentina is another attractive option for exchange students. In addition to having a devalued currency in relation to the real, it also has a cheaper airfare and does not need a visa to stay in the country.

In addition to Canada and Argentina, other destinations that have aroused the interest of travelers who want to reconciling studies and work are the United States, occupying the second position with 16.5% of preferences. Next, we have the United Kingdom, with 11%, and Australia, with 5.6%.

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