Dogs that live longer: some breeds with longer life expectancies

Currently, there are several breeds of puppy, some of larger size, high coat and varied sizes. Regardless of the group, unfortunately dogs live much less than humans, after all, their physiology is totally different from ours. Therefore, today we bring more information about those dog breeds with longer life expectancies.

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A little more about long-lived dogs

The average lifespan of a dog varies between 10 and 13 years, and science has managed to reach this data through studies, but some may exceed that range. The requirement for many may be the beauty or size of the dog, but for others, the longer the dog is, the better.

1. Cattle Dog

An Australian bulldog, also known as a blue heeler or red heeler (depending on the coat), comes from Australia and is rarely seen in Brazil. Although its domestication is aimed at helping to deal with cattle, many people adopt/buy this breed due to its high life expectancy: 12 to 16 years.

2. beagle

This is a small breed that originated in the UK. Regarding his personality, the beagle is kind and has a balanced temperament, in addition to being very intelligent. This group is highly sought after, and one of the factors that stimulates demand for them is their long average lifespan of 12 to 15 years. The oldest dog of this breed lived for 29 years!

3. Shiba Inu

By name it is difficult to associate, but this is the dog breed from the famous movie “Always by your side”. As the narrative of the feature shows, the dogs of this group are very companion and faithful. In addition to being very charming, dogs of this breed can live an average of 12 to 15 years, and although these numbers are an estimate, some can live even longer.

4. miniature pinscher

The pinscher is quite found in Brazil, but its origin comes from Germany and has a small size. As many already know, this breed is quite astute, active and playful. Their life expectancy is based on an average of 12 to 16 years.

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