IR 2022 refund: the consultation can be done through the application

The Income Tax is the one that collects a certain percentage of how much you receive, with that it accompanies your equity evolution, that is, the tax amount may increase if your income climb. However, those who delivered the tax return for the year 2022, or residuals from previous years, may receive the income tax refund. Keep reading to learn more about this.

Read more: Federal Revenue Service: Consultation on the New Lot of Income Tax Is Already Released

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Income Tax Refund

At 10 am on September 23, the consultation for the fifth batch of refunds for 2022 was released. With that, those who filed the declaration can catch up with this tax, it is important to pay attention at the time of consultation as this will be the last batch of this year.

When will the deposit take place?

The Revenue deposited a total of R$1.9 billion for taxpayers on September 30th. Priority for this payment was divided: first, elderly, disabled or seriously ill taxpayers and those with a higher source of income, such as teaching, all with legal ownership. Later, the rest of the lot will go to those without priorities.

How to carry out the query?

The query can be easily carried out over the internet, through theIRS official website. To avoid errors, the taxpayer must click on “My Income Tax”, the site will load and on the new screen you must click on “Consult the Refund”. In addition to this possibility, the “Meu Imposto de Renda” application offers the same information, any Android or IOS smartphone is enabled to have the app.

My name is not on the list, what happened?

If your name does not appear in the query, you have fallen into the famous fine mesh, as this is the last batch of refunds. With this, it is indicated that you enter the website of the Federal Revenue Service Virtual Center and check the existing pending issues.

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