Rodney Stephen Steiger, the Rod Steiger

American actor born in Westhampton, New York, USA, one of the great actors of American cinema of the last 50 years, the toughest of them all, winner of the Oscar for best actor (1967) for his performance in Norman's In the Heat of the Night Jewish. At 16, he lied his age and enlisted in the navy as a torpedo boat and went to fight in the South Pacific. After the war he joined Actor's Studios and became one of the most celebrated actors in the method. Her first film success was Teresa (1951) and for TV she was Marty (1953). The scene in which he talks with Marlon Brando in a car, in On the Waterfront (1954), the famous Union of Thieves by Elia Kazan, is considered one of the greatest moments in American cinema.

His strong and determined personality made him not reject work during his 60-year career. On TV, he has acted in more than 250 live performances and made more than 100 films for the cinema, including classics such as Syndicate of Thieves, Doctor Zhivago and Mars Attacks. Because of his type, he has been asked several times to portray historical figures such as dictator Benito Mussolini in two films, as well as Napoleon, Poncius Pilatos, Al Capone and others. His great phase was in the 50s and 60s, when he starred in films such as Robert Aldrich's The Big Knife (1955), Run of the Arrow (1957) by Samuel Fuller, The Pawnbroker (1965) by Sidney Lumet and Doctor Zhivago (1965) by David Lean, and No Way to Treat a Lady (1969). In the following decade came Happy Birthday, Wanda June (1971), Lolly-Madonna XXX (1973), Mussolini: Ultimo atto (1974), Portrait of a Hitman (1977), Jesus of Nazareth (1977), F.I.S.T. (1978) and The Amityville Horror (1979).

In the late 70's he went through a serious crisis of depression and, in the 80's, in addition to TV productions, there were almost blank in cinema, standing out practically only The Chosen (1981) with Robby Benson and Maximilian Schell. In the 90's, he returned to acting with redoubled taste and, as at the beginning of his career, without rejecting whatever came his way, including many works for TV. His last work was Poolhall Junkies (2002). New generations know him for his supporting roles in films such as Men of Respect (1991), The Specialist (1994), Mars Attacks! (1996) and Crazy in Alabama (1999).

His smooth-headed figure and almost always imperial expression, in the few minutes he appeared on the scene, was always striking. She died of pneumonia at age 77, in a hospital in Los Angeles, California, USA. He was married to Sally Gracie (1952-1958), Claire Bloom (1959-1969), Sherry Nelson (1973-1979), Paula Ellis (1986-1997), marriages always followed by divorces, and finally with Joan Benedict (2000-2002), to whom he left widow. With Bloom he became the father of the ballerina Anna Justine.

Picture copied from IMDB PUBLICITY PHOTOS:


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