Apple launches new IT professional training program

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Denominated "Apple Device Support" the new course made available by apple aims to train specialists in services of the brand itself. Thus, two online courses are offered focused on tools, technical support and operating systems for some of the brand's best-known products, such as iphone, mac It is iPad.

Vacancies are open and are aimed at professionals in the field of YOU, who will have access to all resources and certification. Follow the text and learn more details about registration!

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What are the criteria for applications

The courses made available by Apple are in the format online, that is, people from various locations around the world can have access! The courses are sequential and registrations can already be made on the company's website.

Qualifications last between 13 and 14 hours and classes are available in

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English. Upon completion of the course, participants are submitted to a certification exam dedicated to evaluating each competency attained.

In order to receive the certificate, the student must spend around US$ 149, which corresponds to R$ 749 at the current dollar exchange rate.

You certificates will be extremely valuable to add to resumes, as they are focused on specific areas related to one of the most famous companies in the field of technology. Another factor is that in Brazil there are few professionals specialized in it. A good opportunity, isn't it?

the online opportunity

As mentioned, the courses offered are a great opportunity to gain prominence in your area of ​​expertise. If you are a professional focused on technology, having specific knowledge on a certain subject can help you evolve and stand out in your industry. career in a faster way.

To access the courses, simply access the tech giant training page. In the United States, they are offered in person in partnership with universities. In addition, they also provide underprivileged students with scholarships.

So how about making an investment in your career? Check out the courses that most interest you and don't waste any more time!
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