IQ Test: Check your intelligence level

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O IQ test is a great tool to attest to our ability to intelligence and reasoning. Many people think that it is done only with mathematical calculations, but intelligence can be measured in different ways, such as through problem-solving skills, associations, and reasoning fast. Today you will have the opportunity to test your intelligence, so check the text.

IQ test requires great visual ability

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To measure your cognitive ability, it is not enough to perform mathematical calculations. A number of other factors can also be analyzed. Thus, verbal, non-verbal and scale tests are applied to the same candidate to test different levels of intelligence.

Today our test will be non-verbal and will have the help of a super colorful and fun image to challenge your solving capacity. Let's go?

The snail is in the park, but you only have 4 seconds to find it.

In the image below you can see a super colorful and animated figure, with people and animals interacting and having fun. Pink and orange flowers, bees and trees also make up the lively and cheerful landscape of a summer afternoon.

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IQ test

But in this very cheerful image, with women exercising, birds flying and an elderly man telecommuting, there is something you haven't seen yet, but are about to find: a small snail that is also part of the landscape.

And since you don't want to leave the animal out of the fun, your task here should be to find the snail within 4 seconds. If you want to add a timer, feel free. But time will pass very quickly and you won't even notice it.

Do you know anything about snails?

In addition to the presence of these animals in parks, do you know any curiosity about snails? No? So get ready for this information: Snails are one of the smallest animals in the world, however, they have 2 to 15 thousand teeth! Just imagine? Would you say that such small beings have so many teeth in their mouths?

Did you find the snail? Not yet? So see where he is

Your 4 second timer is up and you haven't found the snail? No problem. We will reveal below where this being so small is.

IQ test

Quite hidden, isn't it? Keep browsing our site and solve other IQ tests like this one!

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