Novelty in communication originates in Brazil

The novelty in the world of communications networks has Brazilian origin and production. O Say Me is a new instant messaging application that has just arrived, with the promise of innovating in user security and rivaling WhatsApp here in the country.

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The new messaging app is now available for free on Google Play platforms for Android and the App Store for iOS. In it, you can generate conversations with your contacts who also use SayMe, create groups with a capacity of up to 500 active members, and also make audio and video calls.

The great promise of the application is the security system, in which you have several privacy options, from hiding your status online to block contacts who can forward messages, photos, videos and other media, ensuring real security for your users. The purpose of this privacy system is to prevent the spread of fake news, and seek a way for users to feel safe when using the platform.

Despite the similarities with other communication applications, such as WhatsApp and Telegram, SayMe brings some innovations in the way of interacting with users. users, presenting message scheduling tools, customized with delivery date and time, with the possibility of imbuing a title if it is a message of voice.

Another differential is the possibility of transcribing voice messages into texts, a tool that facilitates contact between users at different times. In addition, the application also brings the possibility of sending messages that expire. Among the tool's options, you can choose the time for which the message will be visible, whether it will be for a few seconds, minutes, hours, days or weeks.

SayMe's features make it a long-term rival to other communication apps, and the company has already stated that it's looking to improve the system. In addition, the number of users is growing, and soon the app may become popular.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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