Meaning: / Meanings:
Indirect speech: / Indirect speech:* "Discourse in quale le parole dette da altri sono riportate indirectly in narrative form." / Discourse in which words spoken by others are indirectly reproduced in narrative form.
Direct speech: / Direct speech:* "I disagree directly with the parole dette da qualcuno così come sono state dette." / Speech that directly reproduces the words spoken by anyone as they were said.
*Definition taken from the Italian Dizionario Garzanti. Garzanti Editrice.
When there is a change in the course of the direct discussion, it is necessary to observe the change in the case if it is not important in this process. See! / When talking about the transformation from direct to indirect discourse, some important changes in this process should be noted. Look!
Si cambian le persone; / People change;
Si cambian i pronomi; / The pronouns are exchanged;
Si cambiano i pronomi dismostrativi e possessivi; / The demonstrative and possessive pronouns are exchanged;
Si cambiano gli avverbi di tempo e luogo; / The adverbs of time and place are exchanged;
Si cambiano i tempi and modi del verb. / The tenses and modes of the verb are exchanged.
At the moment, meet us attraverso gli esempi, almeno tre cambi dal discorso diretto all’indiretto: delle persone, I gave pronomi and I gave pronomi dimostrativi and possessivi. Good letter! / At the moment, you will know, through examples, at least three changes from direct to indirect speech: of persons, of pronouns, and of demonstrative and possessive pronouns. Good reading!
Persone: / People: Il discorso indirect uses solo the 3rd persona singolare or plurale. / Indirect speech uses only the 3rd person singular or plural.
Esempi: / Examples:
1) Giulia tells Paolo: «Io and Gianlucca andiamo al cinema.» (diretto discord) / Giulia says to Paolo:
- Me and Gianlucca are going to the movies. (direct speech)
2) Giulia dice che law and Giuanlucca vanno al cinema. (indiretto discord) / Giulia says she and Giuanlucca are going to the movies.
3) Giulia says to Paolo: «No I we walked to the cinema." (diretto discord) / Giulia says to Paolo:
- We are going to the cinema. (direct speech)
4) Giulia dice che blond vanno al cinema. (indiretto discord) / Giulia says they go to the movies.
Pronoun: / Pronouns: Il discorso indiretto uses loosening pronomi alla 3rd persona singolare o plurare. / Indirect speech uses only 3rd person singular or plural pronouns.
Esempi: / Examples:
1) Giulia chiede Mario: «Mi presti il tuo ombrello?» (diretto disagreement) / Giulia asks Mario:
- Can you lend me your umbrella? (direct speech)
2) Giulia chiede Mario if read Presta il suo ombrello. (indiretto discord) / Giulia asks Mario if he can lend her the umbrella. (indirect speech)
3) Giuanlucca and Paolo chiedono: «Ci accompagnano alla festa?” (diretto discord) / Gianlucca and Paolo ask:
- Will they accompany us to the party? (direct speech)
4) Gianlucca and Paolo chiedono se read alla party accompagnano. (diretto discord)/ Gianlucca and Paolo ask if they'll accompany them to the party. (direct speech)
Demonstrative Pronoun / Demonstrative Pronoun:
Esempi: / Examples:
1) Giulia tells Paolo: «question It's our house.” (diretto discord) / Giulia says to Paolo:
- This is our house. (direct speech)
2) Giulia tells Paolo che quella è la loro casa. (indiretto discord) / Giulia tells Paolo that this is their house. (indirect speech)
Possessive pronouns: / Possessive pronouns: Nel discorso indirect i pronomi possessivi sono alla 3ª persona singolare o plurale / In indirect speech the possessive pronouns are in the 3rd person singular or plural.
Esempi: / Examples:
1) Paolo says to Maria: «Mi piacei have you pantaloni." (diretto discord) / Paolo says to Maria:
-I like her pants. (direct speech)
2) Paolo tell Maria che le piace i sweat pantaloni. (indiretto discord) / Paolo tells Maria he likes her pants. (indirect speech)
Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Source: Brazil School -