As it comes out, a text is made from the essential part of the principle costitutivi lasciandolo, così, comprensibile, vero and collegato. This element makes up a sound testo sono: cohesione, coerenza, intentionalità, accettabilità, informatività, situazionalità and intertestualità. Guard sotto i significate della parola ‘testo’ attraverso lo sguardo della linguistica. / As you know, a text is composed of essential parts or constitutive principles, thus leaving it understandable, true and connected. These elements that make up a good text are: cohesion, coherence, intentionality, acceptability, informativeness, situationality and intertextuality. See below the meanings of the word 'text' through the eyes of linguistics.
Meaning: / Meanings:
* “Il testo (latin dal 'tessuto', participle passato del verb tex? re ‘tessere’) is an insieme di parti tra loro collegate and strette da una rete di rapporti.” / The text (from the Latin ‘tessuto’, past participle of the verb tex? re ‘weave’) is a set of parts connected to each other and brought together by a network of relationships.
* Information withheld from Grammatica Italiana con nozioni di linguistica.
** "Qualsiasi linguistic enunciation in as venga sottoposto ad analasi." / Any linguistic utterance that will be submitted for analysis.
** Information withheld from the Dizionario Italiano Garzanti.
At that moment, it is possible to capture a po’ di più su i meaning of the due costituenti di a testo as: la situazionalità and l’ intertestualità. Osservali! / At this point, you will understand a little more about the meanings of two constituents of a text: situationality and intertextuality. Watch them!
Puntata! / Tip! Guard al sito altri testi sullo stesso argoment: "I began essenziali di a buon testo" and "Parti costitutive di a testo”. / Look on the website for other texts on this topic: “I principi essenziali di un buon testo” and “Parti costitutive di un testo”. |
Situazionalità / Situationality
As its name informs, the situation determines the situation of the test, making possible all the fine, the chiarezza or the intelligence of the test. The way to make it easy for people to start with this principle is a publicity with which the sleep was transferred to the TV and I learned it. See that there is a situation, that is, it is fittizia, and that is how it is understood is the richness of the situation of the te. For simplify the file to save the prima part of the video with duration of 1min 30 secondi. / As the name itself informs, situationality determines the textual situation, enabling, in the end, the clarity or intelligibility of the text. The easiest way to understand this principle is to see an advertisement like those that are broadcast on TV and, in the end, understand it. See that there is a situation there, whether real or fictitious, and if so, true understanding is your acknowledgment of the situationality. As an example, I ask you to look at the first part of the video lasting 1min and 30 seconds.
Intertestualità / Intertextuality
Intertestualità is the rapport of a testo ha with l'altro o con altri testi. It is a very important testual constituent to the compression of the recipient or recipient. Oggi, is a principle long legato alle determinate caratteristiche testuali, and così creating and determining a universe single of vocaloraio, come if you see bene ad a sportiva cronaca, nei messaggi pubblicitari, nelle indicazioni stradale ecc.. Ossia, ognuno di questi tipi di testi ha la loro intertestualità con parole, geghi and modi da dire propri. / Intertextuality is the relationship that a text has with itself or with other texts. It is a very important constituent to the understanding of the recipient or recipient. Today, it is a principle closely linked to certain textual characteristics; and so it creates and determines a unique universe of vocabulary, as can be seen in a sports chronicle, in advertising messages, in road signs, etc. In other words, each of these types of texts has its own intertextuality with its own words, slang and ways of saying it.
Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Source: Brazil School -