"Todes": neutral language has been used by Lula's minister

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When taking office in the new position, some ministers appointed by President Lula made use of the language neutral in its speech, also known as non-binary language. “Todes” is a form of representation aimed at people who do not identify with feminine or masculine pronouns. Know more.

Minister of International Relations uses neutral language

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Alexandre Padilha, current Minister of International Relations, when introducing himself to the public, greeted those present with “good afternoon to all, everyone and everyone”.

By replacing the female or male letter using the letter “e”, the gender in the grammar is neutralized so that non-binary people can be represented in the language. There is no use of male and female gender markers, as the letters “e”, “x” or “@” can remove this evidence. In the case of verbalization, the most common has been the exchange for the letter “e”, while the other options appear more in writing.

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Other examples similar to the pronoun “todes”, are “amigues” and “menine”, replacing the words “amigos” and “boy”/”girl”. Neutral language is used by the LGBTQIA+ community and has become a representative act of inclusion and politics for these people. It has become popular on the internet, but has not yet achieved greater reach to adhere to the cultural norm.

Standard norm: no use of the neutral pronoun

When there are people of different genders in the environment, the standard norm of Brazilian Portuguese guarantees that the plural must be considered in the masculine form. The masculine plural ensures that there is the greatest reach in communication.

This is the reason why the various tests and contests existing in Brazil do not adhere to the neutral language, as the use of the standard norm is required to reach the required level of Portuguese.

According to Jonathan Moura, PhD in Linguistics from UFRJ (Federal University of Rio and Janeiro) and professor of Portuguese at the Polytechnic School of Health Joaquim Venâncio, belonging to the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), the neutral language has the possibility of being adhered to grammatically.

“A language needs to be practiced to stay alive, or, in this case, to live. That's the only way it becomes part of people's daily lives,” he said.

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