Essere and Avere usati come ausiliari

I asked due verbi, aver ed essere, sono anche usati comes ausiliari for la formazione dei tempi composti. Così si capisce che a composed time is the format of the due part./ These two verbs, essere and avere, are also used as auxiliaries for the formation of compound tenses. Thus, it is understood that a compound tense is formed by two parts.

How to identify a compound time?/ How to identify a compound time?

Ausiliare verb + passato di un verb participle

Esempi:/ Examples:

1) Giulia there is mangiato the house meows. / Giulia he ate in my house.

2) Giulia is andata dal Ieri doctor. / Giulia was to the doctor's office yesterday.

Please note: / Note:The tense you noticed in the examples above is the passato prossimo, which corresponds in Portuguese to the past tense perfect. This will be the first compound tense you will learn.

There are other verb tenses in Italian that are composed. Are they: trapassato prossimo, previous future and condizionale passato.

Do the following tame te stesso: come saprò quale verb ausiliare to use?

/ You will ask yourself the following question: How will I know which auxiliary verb to use?

Semplice!/ Simple! Osserva le table sotto. / Look at the tables below.

  • With all reflexive verbs: alzarsi, lavasi, pettinarsi etc.
  • With movement verbs: walk, Tornere, Uscire etc.
  • With change verbs: diventare, be born, grow etc.
  • With status verbs: stare, restare, rimanere etc.
  • With impersonal verbs *: succedere, morire, nevicare etc.
  • With the verb essere: Sleep stat/a, I know Sato/a ...

* Verbi impersonali:/ Impersonal Verbs: “Che non necessitano, per construction of the nucleus of the sentence, of the argoment of the complete one, neppure of the soggetto. Vengono usati solo nella terza persona sing., senza tuttavia che um sottinteso a soggetto di terza persona (eg piove, nevica)”. / They are verbs that do not need a complement to build the phrasal nucleus that completes them and does not even complete the meaning of the subject. They are used only in the third person singular, and yet without being an implied question of the third person, verbs that identify natural phenomena (eg, it rains, snows) between others.

* Definition taken from the Dizionario Italiano Sabatini – Coletti dalla Casa Editrice Giunti.

Vedi gli esempi: / See the examples:

1) My sleep alzata presumably. / I got up early. (alzarsi verb in the passato prossimo)

2) I know whereabouts al mare ieri? / Did you go to the beach yesterday? (verb walk in the passato prossimo)

3) Il figlio di Giuseppe he is born oggi. / Giuseppe's son was born today. (verb to be born in the passato prossimo)

4) È success tutto di nuovo./ It all happened again. (verb succedere in the passato prossimo)

5) is dead la nonna di Giulia. / Giulia's grandmother died. (verb morire in the passato prossimo)

  • With transitive verbs*: mangiare, leggere, mettere etc.
  • With some movement verbs: run, camminare, viaggiare etc.
  • With the verb avere: ho big, ha big ...

*Transitive verbi: / Transitive verbs: “Quelli che, per construct the nucleus of a sentence, richiedono il soggetto and a diretto complement, oltre the eventual indiretti complement.” / Those who, in order to build the nucleus of a sentence, require a subject and a direct complement, and in some situations even an indirect object or complement.

* Definition taken from the Dizionario Italiano Sabatini – Coletti dalla Casa Editrice Giunti.

Vedi gli esempi: / See the examples:

1) Paolo there is mangiatothere pie. (the pie = direct complement)

2) Giulia ha mesole chiaviin her borsa. (le chiavi = direct complement / nella borsa = indirect complement)

3) Giulia Abita to Rome. (to Rome = indirect complement)

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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