Italian Alphabet Pronunciation and Esempi/ Italian Alphabet Pronunciation and Examples

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* For you to acquire more vocabulary, look up the meaning of the words below in bold in the dictionary.

* Osservassione/ Note: All letters between two square brackets signify sounds or phonetic representations.

Pronunciation 1/ Pronunciation 1:

Osserva i suoni delle lettere z, what and I digrammi gl and gn/ Observe the sounds of the letters z, what and of consonant clusters gl and gn.

1) The sound produced in [ŋ] in Italian, it corresponds in Portuguese to the sound of ‘huh’.

[ŋ] gn: bagnO

2) The sound produced in [ʎ] in Italian always in front of the vowel ‘i’, corresponds in Portuguese to the sound of ‘lh’.

[ʎ] gl: badgliThe

3) The sound produced in [w] in Italian, it would correspond in Portuguese to an umlaut (Thu). We know that the umlaut is an accent that will fall into disuse with the new morphological rule of accentuation in Portuguese.

[w] that: Thundi

4) The sound produced in words ‘english' and 'global’ will match the sound [g] seen in part 1 of this chapter.

[g] inglwhat if, globale

5) The sounds produced in

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[dz] or [tz] in Italian, there are no corresponding sounds in Portuguese, as they are specific sounds of Italian. Its production is the same as its phonetic transcription.

[dz or [tz] z: zero
[dz] or [tz] zz: pizzThe

Pronunciation 2/ Pronunciation 2:

Osserva the spelling of the alcune doppie consonanti: cc, ff, rr, ll, mm, nn, ss, tt./ Note the spelling of some double consonants: cc, ff, rr, ll, mm, nn, ss, tt.

mm: mammThe

ff: offficile

nn: at thennThe

rr: birrThe

ss: rossO

ll: wellllO

tt: fanttO

Attention / Attention:

In the Italian language, any consonant can be duplicated. In this way, the pronunciation should be lengthened/extended. This is very important as there are very similar words like, feather and feather, with different meanings.

Accenti nell’Italiano/ Accents in Italian

The accent is a reinforcement of the voice in the pronunciation of the syllable of a word. In all words with two or more syllables, there will always be one that carries an accent. This accent is the tonic accent of the word. The syllable that carries the stressed syllable is called stressed syllable and the one that does not carry the unstressed syllable, as in Portuguese.

Attention / Attention:

The acute accent in Italian (´) determines the closed sound: perché (read why = per’que), but it is very little used nowadays, as is the circumflex. The low accent (`) determines the open sound: città (read chitta). The caret (^) can only be used over the vowel ‘i’ end of a word when it results from the fusion of ‘ii’: principî = principii (read printchipi).

Le vocali/ The vowels

The vowel system of the Italian language is formed, as well as in the Portuguese language, in relation to the phonological aspect, that is, the sound aspect, by also 7 vowels. In this way, in addition to the closed vowels (ê, ô), we have (é, ô) open ones.

In the phonological alphabet they are represented as follows: (/ɛ, ɔ/) open, (/it's the/) closed.

The phonological alphabet of the seven vowel phonemes corresponds to the five traditional graphic vowels: .

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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