Learn how to make candy with overripe bananas and their peels!

It's almost cultural to eat a sweetie after lunch in Brazil, but with the bills tightening, it's difficult to buy ready-made sweets. Therefore, many people began to venture into the confectionery to quench that sugar craving, but spending little. That way, today we decided to bring you a recipe for candy with bananas, which is very simple. Thus, you will save and reuse food that would go to waste.

Despite being new to some people, the banana peel is already used by a small portion of the population for food production. So, you can find a multitude of recipes online with tips on how to reuse the peels.

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Furthermore, there are preparations for all tastes: banana peel meat, cake, sweet with peel and coconut, bread, wholemeal bread, brigadeiro, farofa, hamburger and even stew. Our recipe will please confectioners on duty: candies made from ripe bananas and their peels, see below:


  • 4 peels;
  • A dozen overripe dwarf bananas;
  • 1 spoon of lemon juice;
  • 16g of butter;
  • 700g of sugar (it's up to you whether crystal or another type);
  • Butter to grease the shape or butter paper;
  • 128g cocoa powder.

How to make

The first step is to sanitize the peels well, so take them to a blender and beat for about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, choose a large pan and place the above ingredients (except the lemon), bring it to low heat and stir every 2 minutes.

When the candy inside the pan starts to bubble, you can add the previously beaten peels. From that moment you will stir the mixture well and you will notice that it will change color.

Only when the candy detaches from the pan will you add the lemon juice. Then the bullet will start to crystallize, which is the perfect point to turn off the fire.

Grease a bowl with butter or use parchment paper to prevent the candy from sticking to it, and pour the mixture onto the surface. You don't need to put the bowl in the fridge, just let it cool at room temperature.

When the candy is cold, you can cut it into small rectangles and roll them in a little sugar or cocoa powder. Now just try this wonder!

If you liked this recipe then Click here to read more tips like this one!

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