See who can retire at 61 in 2022

Women aged 61 years and six months can reach the long-awaited retirement. However, it will be necessary to have at least 15 years of contribution to the INSS (National Social Security Institute).

But attention! This will be the last year that the respective women will be able to retire below the established age of 62. years, which will come into force from the year 2023, according to the new updates of the reform of the pension.

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Updates regarding retirement were carried out in 2019, due to Constitutional Amendment 103 that was published. With regard to the period prior to this change, women had the right to forward their retirement with only 60 years and at least 15 years of contribution to the INSS.

However, taxpayers who were already in the labor market at the time may resort to the transitional rule. It is worth mentioning that the new rule will be applied later this year. But, for men, the minimum age has not been changed and remains 65 years old, in addition to 15 years of contribution to Social Security.

Thus, the main changes were the average salary and the final retirement amount. This is because, before this reform took place, the average was calculated by considering the 80% of the highest salaries received by the insured person in the period from July 1994 until the date of retirement. A percentage was placed on it according to the aid category.

However, with the new adjustments, the calculation was modified. Now, to obtain the value of the benefit, all wages of the worker are considered. In other words, the lowest salaries now also enter into the account, minimizing the average referring to which the retirement will be calculated.

A minimum percentage of 60% plus 2% will be set for each year beyond the age of 15 for women. In the case of men, the percentage is added when they exceed 20 years of contribution.

Who has this option?

This option can be granted to anyone who can prove that they have the conditions to retire by age with the rules that precede the Social Security reform.

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