Will it be possible to use 5G on your 4G cell phone?

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5G is already a reality in some cities in Brazil. The novelty promises to greatly improve the use of the internet in the country, with downloads up to twenty times faster than those currently made in the 4G version. However, is it possible to use 5G on a 4G cell phone? Many people have this doubt and the answer is: unfortunately, no.

However, see what you can do and what the benefits of this technological innovation that speeds up downloads and uploads will be. Good reading!

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Why is it not possible to use 5G on 4G handsets?

Devices that support 5G technology already have this functionality out of the box, so there is no way to make a 4G cell phone work with 5G. In addition, there is no point in acquiring a new chip to use the novelty, as the device really needs to be configured.

Do I need to change my cell phone soon to use 5G?

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Initially, you don't need to change your device, as it will take some time for the new technology to be implemented. In addition, the trend is that over time, all people will exchange their smartphones for a new generation of cell phones that will certainly support the new technology.

Another important point is that 5G is not yet available throughout the country, but only in the cities of Brasília, Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte and João Pessoa. Next on the list are Salvador, São Paulo, Curitiba, Goiânia and Rio de Janeiro. That means you don't have to rush to secure a 5G phone. However, if you really want it, know that the advantages are many! We've listed some of them for you to be aware of and decide if it's worth migrating immediately to this new form of connection.

Why is 5G worth it?

  • Greater number of devices connected at the same time (up to 1 million per square kilometer);
  • Greater information sharing capacity, with a volume of data transmitted up to a thousand times higher per km², compared to other mobile data networks;
  • Shorter response time compared to telecommunications services (also called latency time);
  • Revolution of applications that will be part of the Internet of Things (IoT);
  • Possibility of being able to divide the data network into parts, using the same network for different purposes.

5G devices currently available in Brazil:

So far there are few cell phones with 5G technology in Brazil, some of them are: iPhone SE 2022, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro max, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro Max, Samsung Galaxy A33, Galaxy A52, Galaxy A52s, among others others.

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