Meaning: / Meanings:
*Indirect complement of the cause: / Indirect complement of the cause: “Quello che indica la causa dell'azione espressa dal predicato.”. / 'One who indicates the cause of the action expressed by the predicate'.
**Indirect Companion Complement: / Indirect Companion Complement: “Complement that expresses the relation of compagnia with this animato (eg Passeggiare col cane.)”./ ‘Complement that expresses the relationship of companionship with being animated (for example: Walking with the dog)’.
*Definition taken from the site:
**Definition taken from the Dizionario Garzanti di Italiano
Indirect Complement of Cause / Indirect Complement of Cause
Sarebbe anche anche interesting to know this question this concept attraverso il site, and vedere al punto “Grammatica, analisi logica, analisi grammaticale” costè detto sul temma: “The complement of the cause serves to indicate the reason for the reason for the compie or the subisce l'azione.”. Vedi alcuni esempi.
/ It would be interesting to know this same concept through the website, and see in the point “Grammatica, analisi logica, analisi grammaticale” what is said about the topic: ‘O cause complement serves to indicate the reason or reason for which it concludes or is subject to action'. See some examples.Esempi: / Examples:
1) When Pina is arrivata Maria piangeva dalla gioia. / When Pina arrived, Maria wept with joy.
2) Ho mangiato tutta la pasta perché stavo with fame. / I ate all the noodles because I was hungry.
3) Giulia ha il viso rosso the cause of her rabbia. / Giulia is red in the face from anger.
4) the cause of the broth, non ci sarà lezione. / Because of the heat, there will be no class.
Another point that I must always have in forehead, the complement of the cause is straight from the preposition: per, di, da, con ecc., the dalle locuzioni: the cause di, per reason di. It is important to know this complement answer alle domande: for what reason? for what cause?. / Another point you should always keep in mind: the complement of cause is governed by prepositions: by (per), from (di), from (da), with (con) etc.; or by the phrases: the cause of, for the reason of. It's important to know that this add-on answers the questions: for what reason? For what cause?
Indirect complement of compagnia and di unione / Indirect complement of company and union
Leggendo il significato dato da di dictionario, allinizio del testo, if it yields interesting chiarirlo dicendo che questo complement appunta l'animale, l'individuo insieme a cui si compie si subisce l'azione che è stata espressa dal predicate. However, if it ends insieme as it compiles the subisce l'azione in the format of an oggetto, if there is an invece the complement of the unione. Vedi gli esempi. / Reading the meaning given by the dictionary at the beginning of the text, it is interesting to clarify that this complement indicates the animal or the individual who performs or suffers the action that was expressed by the predicate. However, if the term together with the one who performs or undergoes the action is formed by an object, then there is the complement of union. See the examples.
Esempi: / Examples:
1) Andata sleep with Giulia al cinema. (Complemento di Compagnia) / I went to the movies with Giulia. (Company Complement)
2) Lui arrivò con le chiavi nelle mani. (Complemento di Unione) / He had arrived with the keys in his hands. (Union Complement)
3) Eriertra amici. (Complemento di Compagnia) / Yesterday I was among friends. (Company Complement)
4) From Mario si mangia always pollo with potatoes and vegetables. (Complemento di Unione) / At Mario's house you always eat chicken with potatoes and vegetables (Complemento de União)
Dopo capire le differenze tra ogni complement devi notare che il Complemento Indiretto di Compagnia responds to alle domande: con chi? in compagnia di chi?, and il Complemento di Unione responds to alle domande: con che cosa? insieme a che?. If it becomes important, allora, sapere che amobedue sono retti dalle preposizioni: tra, con, o dalle locuzioni: insieme a, insieme con, in compagnia di ecc. / Once you understand the differences between each add-on you should notice that the company add-on answers the questions: with whom? In whose company? And the union complement answers the questions: with what? Next to what? So, it is important to know that both are governed by prepositions: between (tra), with (con); or by the phrases: together with, together with, in compagnia of etc.
Hot! / Tips!
It is possible to access the site altri testi che trattano sul theme Complemento Indiretto. I saw: "Indiretti complement: motorbike da luogo and motorbike per luogo”, “Indirect complement: di luogo”, “Indirect complement: di mezzo and di Modo”, “Indirect complement: di tempo”, “I added indirect: di specificazione e di finish”, “Puntate da riconoscere i complementi di luogo”. / It is possible to access other texts on the site that deal with the Indirect Complement theme. See: “Complement indiretti: moto da luogo and moto per luogo”, “Complement indiretto: di luogo”, “Complement indiretto: di mezzo e di mode”, “Indiretto complement: di tempo”, “I complementi indirect: di specificazione e di termine”, “Puntate da riconoscere i complementi di luogo". |
Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Source: Brazil School -