Suffer from allergies but love pets? These dogs are IDEAL for you

Allergies are frustrating in general, whether you're allergic to one type specific in food Or just pollen if you are a lover of the animals and your allergies increase before the dogs, could it be much more frustrating.You can think that your sneezes he hassomethingTheto seewithOby your dog, but it is being mistaken.

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There are some dog breeds considered perfect for people…

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Whitney Woolstenhulme, founder of doodle doods, one site in mixture of poodles, clarifies: “Many people believe what allergies to pets are caused per by the fallen, yet what most of them suffer really are dandruff allergies”. She even adds: “The dandruff ifgrabto the fur It is,like this, when Ohair falls around the house, dandruff particles disperse at theair and cause a reaction.”

although none race be 100% hypoallergenic, some dogs are less likely to cause severe reactions

. Amanda Takiguchi, DVM and founder of Trending Breeds, explain: “Scientists believe that the characteristics from thecoat It is from theskin of these breeds mean they produce fewer allergens”.

List of 6 dog breeds ideal for allergy sufferers

If you are atsearch for meet the dog right what avoid theeyes red and the itchin the throat, someexpertsthey canyouto help. know more about at six races that Takiguchi and his veterinarians recommend.

bichon frize

One of most recommended by theexperts from the Best Life was the Bichon Frize.Those dogswhitey they are absolutelylovely, mto the no they will make youworsen the allergy. "In addition to yourpersonalitykind It is adorable that the become so good for dogsfamily's, the bichons are good known for yourby thewhitepure what almostnoproduce dandruff,” explained Sabrina Kong, DVM at We Love Doodles.

"You bichonslosefor theinfrequently, but when they do, Othey do in quantities very small, then most of it endsstayingpreyat the undercoat. That's why they are so good for people with allergies.”

“When they meet new people, they quickly become best friends, so you don't have to worry when people are coming over for dinner or relaxing,” reported the professional dog trainer, Aiden Taylor. He even noted that the temperament of these dogs is great for those suffering from depression and anxiety.

bedlington terrier

“Always fun and wanting to be in the spotlight, this breed is best for children and seniors,” said Taylor. She is known to be sweet, unique and hypo-allergenic. Acoat of them doesn't drop much, but it can grow pretty fast, so you it needstosá-them sometimes.” 

But if youit is good withthat, know they are kind, friendly and love draw the attention of family. At least that's what Erin Mastopietro, CEO of Dope Dog observes. He agrees that Bedlington Terriers have a “lamb coat” and that it is hypoallergenic.


It is currently the 87th most popular breed in the United States, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC). The Basenji is also widely recognized for being a “cult breed”, so it becomes one of the options for its new allergic owners. “This breed has a short, low coat,” Mastopietro pointed out.

You just have to be careful, because what they lack in allergens, they compensate with the energy. ANDthis puppy it's a great option for any one witha style in lifeactive.

yorkshire terrier

yorkshireterriers, lots oftimes just known as as "york", they are a good onechoice for whosufferof allergies. Daniel Coxhill, co-founder of The Dog Tale, clarifies: “They have a silky coat that is more like human hair than a fur coat. They don't lose hair."

taylor flame the Yorkie fromanimalin plushhypoallergenic street vendor” and watch that the yoursizesmall it's nice for whohe has space limited. “Being a lap dog during the Victorian era, this breed is perfect comfort during the fall and winter months,” he added.


This is another race hypoallergenic like Yorkie. “Poodles have a single coat, as opposed to the two-layer coat most other dogs have,” Woolstenhulme pointed out. “This means that instead of shedding, its unique, curly coat will continue to grow.”

Your haircurly no require trips frequentto the salon. “Usar one shampoo hypoallergenic can reducesignificantly allergy symptoms Erica Barnes, founder and CEO of Petsmitten.

However Poodles are also known for yourdispositiontreacherous. "And the what he tookto the development in hybrids”, Woolstenhulmeadded. Thatincludesnames such as Goldendoodles (Golden Retriever and Poodle), Labradoodles (Labrador Retriever and Poodle) and Maltipoos (Maltese and Poodle).

they are too good choices for people with allergies, but it is necessary to guarantee that your dog "inherit more genes from the poodle side". That requires a bit of search genealogy and a little more preparation.

chinese crest

Chinese crest is a choice only for whosuffer of this redness, itching and sneezing, because it comes practically withouthair. According to Hilda Wong, founder of Bark Posts, you need to be committed to brushing the breed's coat, but it shouldn't be too challenging.

“The undercoat is shorter and the undercoat is long, making brushing easier,” she says. “If you have a problem with a dog's coat, then you can opt for the hairless Chinese Crested because that shedding is not a problem. Dog odor is also less.” wong also watch that, how to the others racesfrom thelist, the Chinese crest suitableà your family, moreover, it is verytender It is adaptable.

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