Genetically modified plant does the work of 30 air fresheners

The air purifier is a piece of equipment responsible for ensuring good air quality. It is composed of purification filters that retain impurities found suspended in the air, thus preventing the proliferation of mites and bacteria. In addition, he is able to eliminate even the bad smell present in environments.

According to scientists, a genetically modified plant is capable of doing the same job as up to 30 air purifiers. In today's article, let's talk a little about this plant that is already available on the market.

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The plant is already available on the market

Plants in general bring numerous benefits to those who grow them indoors. They are able to increase the humidity of the air around them, thus helping to avoid respiratory problems. Also, when grown indoors, plants can increase oxygen levels. They are still able to remove toxins from the air, which helps in purifying it.

Aware of these benefits, and highlighting the ability to purify the air, the French startup Neoplants focused on creating a plant capable of maximizing its natural air.

The Paris-based company genetically modified a plant known as Jiboia – its scientific name is Epipremnum Aureum – and made it capable of doing the job of up to 30 air purifiers.

To genetically modify the boa constrictor, the team needed to map the organism's entire genome and then determine which genes to target for maximum filtration of volatile organic compounds.

The genetically modified plant was named Neo P1 and is already available on the market. It is costing US$ 179, which is equivalent to R$ 895. Although when compared to other plants it has a much more expensive price, the genetically modified plant is at the level of the value of some air fresheners. Therefore, the price is indeed considered fair.

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