7 common traits of highly intelligent people

stereotypes of smart people and with IQ high levels are usually associated with inhibition and shameful behavior. However, other factors must be observed. When it comes to perceiving the personality traits of great geniuses, the results of these analyzes are surprising.

Many do not imagine that these people have specific characteristics. Check out more information below about IQ and see if you identify with the reported characteristics!

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What is IQ?

O Intelligence Quotient (IQ) it is a measure, a number that measures the capacity of a person's intellect based on benchmarks and comparisons, creating a relationship between their mental age and chronological age.

Characteristics common to people with high IQ

  • Sleep too late

As strange and contradictory as it may seem, smart people manage to program their brains to change their biological clocks, seeking to achieve their goals in learning and job.

  • Be funny

Acting in a good-humored and pleasant way, they manage to attract attention and have the potential to explain concepts in a pedagogical way, demonstrating that they have a lot of knowledge.

  • Understands witty and intelligent humor

Besides being funny, he also manages to connect people's sarcasm with assimilated references that few can understand.

  • Generous

Being able to put himself in the shoes of others naturally, he behaves in such a way that he makes altruism part of his way of life.

  • Talking to himself

He is always explaining what he has learned and observed so that important things are not left out, helping to synthesize and build reality.

  • Read a lot

Because they are so curious, smart people also tend to be voracious readers.

  • They understand how much they don't know

The smartest people are able to admit when they are unfamiliar with a particular concept.

How is the IQ scale?

Over the years, many classifications have been proposed, but currently, one of the most accepted is the average intelligence between 85 and 114 points. Individuals with an IQ above 130 are considered gifted and tend to stand out, like the personality traits mentioned above.

extra curiosity

The IQ of scientist Marie Curie, two-time Nobel Prize winner, is estimated to be over 180. Furthermore, the Einstein quotient estimate is very impressive, but her IQ is believed to be between 160 and 190.

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